Thursday, May 13

Ascension of Christ

Ascension Day (in Switzerland and Liechtenstein: drive ) within the Christian faith, the return of Jesus Christ as the Son of God to His Father in heaven. Ascension is on the 40th Day of the Easter circle , ie 39 days after Easter Sunday celebration. Therefore, the festival falls always on a Thursday. The earliest possible date is 30 April, the latest possible the third June. In 2010, the holiday falls on the 13th May

Origin and Meaning

In the writings of the New Testament is in Luke 24.50-53 EUand Acts 1.1 to 11 EUshows that the Risen Christ during forty days after his resurrection before his disciples and was then in heaven on the place at the right hand raised was (the place right by the owner since ancient times belonged to the heir or the guest of honor). The Ascension is also mentioned in Mk 16,19 EU, 1 Pet 3,22 EU, Lift 4,14 EUand 9.24 EU, and - from a Christian perspective - P 68,19 EU.
The Ascension of Christ has great significance for the Christian eschatology . Him who humbles himself and has become obedient until death on the cross, God has increased all over and given him a name which is above every name ( Phil 2.8 to 9 EU).
The belief in the Assumption is early Christian texts and beliefs evidenced in, for example, Polycarp , Justin and Irenaeus of Lyons . The belief in the Assumption is also expressed in the old Roman Creed of the third century, the forerunner of the Apostles' Creed of 325 and the Nicene Creed of 381:
"He is on the third day he rose again
and ascended into heaven and .
is seated at the right hand of the Father
, and will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead,
his kingdom will be no end. "
The Solemnity of the Ascension of Christ in the liturgy of Jerusalem since 383 / 384 by the report of the pilgrim Egeria witnessed. According to Luke's texts is the date forty days after Easter and ten days before Pentecost.
The nine days between Ascension and Pentecost, the time of Pentecost , in particular, at the descent of the Holy Spirit is praying.
Three days prior to Ascension found in Catholic areas, the Rogation Days instead. On these days are called the processions take place. These processions to the fields of the municipalities or from place to place to serve the intercession of a good harvest.
In the Catholic tradition of the Baroque in some areas (eg in Bavaria, Mittenwald , or in Neustift Monastery in South Tyrol ), the statue of the Risen Christ's ascension through the " Holy Spirit holes on the Church of memory drawn.
Resurrection and Ascension

The ratio of the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ was and is the subject of theological debate. In traditional theology, there is a clear demarcation of Easter, on which the resurrection of Jesus Christ day after his death is celebrated on the third. Jesus rose after his crucifixion , first in an "in depth" localized beyond down ("descended into the realm of the dead", also see Jesus' descent into hell ), from the third day he rose again to the living on. The Ascension of Jesus to the later described the following event, that Jesus came into the hereafter own, without (again) die and leave behind a corpse without. This ascension, he got into an "on high" located on the other side (see heaven ). If we stick to the only concrete indication of time in the Bible, passed between the Resurrection and Ascension 40 days ( Acts 1,3.9 f LUT), although Luke 24,51 LUTAscension on Easter Day seems to suggest one. Therefore, Assumption is the feast of Christ days after Easter, celebrated 40th
Many theologians today reversed stress the commonality of resurrection and ascension. According to Conzelmann / Lindemann, there is no fundamental difference between resurrection and exaltation of Jesus: "The general rule is that Jesus 'resurrection, never as a mere revival of his body [...] has been understood, means the Easter event in Jesus' establishment of a unique dignity (cf. Rom 1.3 f LUT), so basically resurrection and exaltation at the same time. This is true even where, as in the hymn of Phil from 2.6 to 11 LUTonly on the increase, but not the resurrection of the talk is of, or conversely, where explicit statement is missing an increase (cf. 1 Cor 15.4 f. LUT). Although each case is the emphasis placed differ, but one fundamental difference is not. "[1]
"It was only later resurrection and exaltation ( Mary ) deliberately separated from each other, without it would come to a single view, however (after Luke 24,51 LUTwas the ascent to heaven on Easter Day, after Acts f. 1,3.9 LUTonly forty days later). [...] Will later distinguish between the actual Easter appearances on earth ( Luke 24 LUT, Acts 1 LUT), and the other appearances of Christ from heaven ( Acts 7.55 f. LUT; Acts 9.3 ff LUT). " [1]The fundamental event is the victory. God pulls his son out and up. This is a triumph over the powers of this world, a triumph of which all Christians have a share.

In the early Christian catacomb is found ascension is not the motive. From the 4th Century, it unfolds in different ways to play:
Christ by angels borne aloft.
Christ walks into heaven and is from the hand of God put into reception.
Around 1000 is the guy on the disappearing Christ. Often leaving only the legs and feet together with the visible footprint, 14 from Century, only the footprints.
In the Catholic iconography of the Baroque comes the Typos "Ascension" in favor of the motif of the Assumption of Mary , and the glorification of other popular saint back a little.[2]

The Feast of the Ascension is in the liturgy of the Catholic Church , the Orthodox Church and the Anglican Church as the Feast committed. In Germany there is also a public holiday since 1936.

Ascension Day public holiday in Germany
Ascension Day is a public holiday in Germany , which Switzerland , Austria and Sweden , Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Greenland , Haiti , Indonesia , Iceland , Colombia , Liechtenstein , Luxembourg , Madagascar , Namibia , Netherlands and Norway . In Italy (Ascension), , Poland and Hungary was the festival public holiday several years ago and is now being abolished as the church celebrated the following Sunday. In Italy run intensive efforts, Ascension Day public holiday again than to introduce. Over 12 draft laws in this regard are in the Roman Parliament in both chambers on it. Many Italian ministers and politicians are positive about the concerns, as well as high-ranking church officials.
In the secular world has developed in Germany for the holiday Father's Day , also known as Men's Day and Father's Day means. On that day, there are customs such as the game master (a carriage ride or hike in nature with consumption of alcohol) or day trips with the whole family.
In 2008, Ascension of Christ was with the holiday, " Labor Day "(May 1 combined). This situation occurs very rarely only one, previously modified in 1913 and after 2008 again until 2160th
In addition, every year on Ascension Day in Aachen, the Charlemagne Prize awarded.
In Erftstadt-Gymnich takes to Ascension of Gymnich ride instead of a pilgrimage, the rider and Fußpilger attend.
See also

Church year , Öschprozession , weather blessing , Assumption
Holidays in Germany , Austria and Switzerland
Dates of the movable holidays in Germany

New Testament and theological
Alfons Weiser , Horst Georg Pohlmann : Art Ascension I. New Testament Church History II / systematic-theological . In: Encyclopedia of Theology Real 15 (1986), p. 330-341 (with further references)
AW Zwiep: The Ascension of the Messiah in Lukan Christology . Supplements to Novum Testamentum 87th Brill, Leiden etc. 1997 ISBN 90-04-10897-1
M. Muehling: Basic Information eschatology, Göttingen 2007 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) ISBN 978-3-525-03619-8 , 101-122, esp 117-119
Thomas Marschler : resurrection and ascension of Christ in the scholastic theology, to Thomas Aquinas . Contributions to the history of philosophy and theology of the Middle Ages NF 64.1 to 2. Aschendorff, Münster 2003 ISBN 3-402-04017-4
Douglas Farrow: Ascension and Ecclesia. On the Significance of the Doctrine of the Ascension for Ecclesiology and Christian Cosmology . T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh 1999 ISBN 0-567-08676-3
Jens Herzer, : Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Christmas. What we know about the origins of Christianity? Focus on the Bible, 4th Evang. Main Bibelges. and Canstein Bibelanst., Berlin 2000 ISBN 3-7461-0144-1 (and a generally scientifically sound)
Fritz Rienecker (Hg): Encyclopedia of the Bible. R. Brockhaus Verlag Wuppertal
Hans Conzelmann : plan of the theology of the New Testament , 4 Ed / edited by Andreas Lindemann. Tübingen 1987th UTB 1446, ISBN 3-16-145161-9.
Christian festival calendar
Hans-Christoph Schmidt-Lauber : Article Ascension . In: Encyclopedia of Theology Real 15 (1986), p. 341-344 (with further references)
Hans Jürgen milter (ed.) ascension - the proximity of Christ celebrate. Sermons and liturgical designs . Ministry of the Word 72nd Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1996 ISBN 3-525-59337-6
Uehlein Hermann: hymns and text history. Literary tradition of education at the example of the German Day song from the Enlightenment to the present . Pietas Liturgica, Studia 10th King & Neumann, Würzburg; EOS-Verl., St. Ottilie 1995 ISBN 3-8260-1081-7
Friedrich Benesch: The event of the Ascension of Christ. The forty days. Urachhaus, 1997, ISBN 3-87838-285-5
Hermann Kirchhoff: Ascension to St. Martin in the Christian tradition. Kösel, Munich, 1986, ISBN

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