Wednesday, August 11

Monday Night Combat

Monday Night Combat,
is a downloadable third-person action video game exclusive to the Xbox Live Arcade developed by Uber Entertainment.

Set in the future, two teams of cloned soldiers battle to destroy the other team's 'Money Ball' as a competitive sport.

The game blends third person shooting with classes in the style of Team Fortress 2 with team-based objectives in the style of Defense of the Ancients and similar games.

There are 2 Gametypes avalible
Teams of six battle each other to destroy the others Moneyball. To do so they must make sure their robots get to the other team's money ball. Only the robots can damage the money ball at first by damaging their shield but after the sheilds are down all players can also contribute.

Is where 4 players protect their moneyball against waves of robots. This gametype can also be played alone, 2 player splitscreen or 4 player online.
Character Classes

Each of the six classes has two weapons equipped as well as four skills, one of which is passive.
Assault, a standard shooter class, equipped with assault rifle and grenade launcher, adept as named at pushing the assault
Skills are 1) 'F.L.Y', a jetpack which allows the assault to move horizontally in the air for a set length, 2) a 'Charge' attack like a football tackle, and 3) a remote detonation explosive
Tank, wielding a 'Jet Engine Gun' (firing a stream of heat like a superpowered flamethrower) and a laser railgun, this class has the highest all out attack power
Skills include Jet Charge, a ramming attack that can knock enemies down, a Stun Grenade that can be upgraded into a Product Bomb to distract players and stun robots and turrets, and the ability to entrench Himself like the Gunner.
Sniper, with the eponymous sniper rifle and a submachine gun
Skills include an ability which allows him to set Traps
Upgrades include 'Supa Sniper' which allows the Sniper Rifle to shoot through multiple enemies
Support, sporting a Healgun and a shotgun, this class both heals and places defensive turrets
Skills include Hacking Turrets, placing Mini-Turrets, and Tagging enemies with Airstrike Beacons
Gunner, equipped with a massive minigun and secondary mortars
Skills include 'Slamma' a ground stomp inducing a blast wave that can Stun enemies, Grabbing enemies and bashing them face first into the ground, and the ability to entrench and become a human turret
Assassin, with a dagger and shurikens.
Skills include a Sprint Ability, Cloaking and a smoke bomb
Dagger can be upgraded into a Katana-like Sword


The Mascot is a randomly chosen super fan of Monday Night Combat that can be found in the middle of the arena in a Crossfire match which when hurt will give you money that you can use for many abilities.

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