Tuesday, October 19

Lindsay McCormick teaming up with Mark Sanchez

Lindsay McCormick appears to be one sports reporter more than welcome in the locker room, as the football analyst from Houston appears to be quite chummy with Mark Sanchez.

Lindsay McCormick is rumored to be dating Sanchez, according to the New York Post, despite the fact that she has reported on NFL games, raising questions of conflict of interest.

In fact, the entire situation raises questions about the current state of sports "journalism." According to the Post story, a source says Lindsay McCormick is tight with many athletes across all sports, which means she's toeing a dangerous professional line.

"Lindsay knows everyone in the football world,” as well as NBA stars, the source told the Post. “She’s close to the Saints’ Reggie Bush and knows some of the Lakers, including Lamar Odom."
This is presented as a positive, but it could be anything but. Reporters inevitably develop relationships with athletes, particularly those that work a beat, but it gets dicey when hot blonde chicks are chumming up to various sex symbol athletes, whether there's any intent there or not.
And that's the interesting point here. Lindsay McCormick may be the ultimate professional. She may be the best at her job and she may have the strongest scruples of any reporter working today. Who knows? But she has to be aware of the perception created when she gets clingy with superstar sex symbols.
Particularly those in New York City. This relationship should change the nature of her job, whether she is removed from all NFL coverage of simply barred from reporting on the Jets. But either way the only way to avoid a major conflict of interest is to direct her professional attention elsewhere.
That way her personal attention can remain wherever she wants it, which right now appears to be in the last place a female reporter would have wanted to be as recently as two or three weeks ago: The New York Jets locker room.


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