Tuesday, March 13

Honest.com wins weekly sales chart at $180,000

Domain Name Journal weekly sales list of reported domain names in the week to December January 4,,2012 . There were  three six figure domain name sales this week: Honest.com,sold for $180,000,PHD.com,sold for $150,000 and Bolt.com,sold for $125,581 .

Moniker had a great week in the sales chart,taking four of the top 10 positions and six of the top 20 positions.

Correspondingly,NoktaDomains took four of the top 20 positions .

.COM dominated once again the list,with 20 of the top 20 positions.

Here are the top twenty positions for the week ending Sunday,January 4,2012 :

1.Honest.com    $180,000    
2.PHD.com    $150,000    
3.Bolt.com    $125,581    
4.Flora.com    $95,000    
5.KeywordTool.com    $90,000    
6.iWitness.com    $55,281
7.AVM.com    $40,000    
8.VitaminCenter.com    $35,000    S
9.MaleEnhancementPills.com    $31,700    
10.FirstAvenue.com    $25,000    
11.OODA.com    $25,000    
12.TripPlan.com    $24,000    
13.WHI.ch     $21,840    
14.HotelMe.com    $20,000    
15.Hochzeit.com    $19,995    
16.CoolTool.com    $18,500    
17.UltimateSports.com    $18,020    
18.SpaceSuits.com    $18,000    
19.IndianJewelry.com    $16,005    
20.    Bizable.com    $15,600 

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