Sunday, October 24

Jane Goodall: Still Saving the Chimps at 76

You probably still think her of as the fresh-faced British girl from the famous 1965 National Geographic film "Miss Goodall and the Wild Chimpanzees." Today, Jane Goodall is 76 years old, and she's still at it: tolerating camera crews (this time a "60 Minutes" crew) trailing her in the forest, so that she can show the world why the endangered chimps are worth saving.

It's been 50 years since Goodall, a girl with binoculars but no training in science, walked into the Gombe Forest to study chimpanzees. Surprisingly, "60 Minutes" had never profiled Goodall in our four decades on the air, so correspondent Lara Logan traveled to East Africa to meet "Mama Jane," and ask her about her 50-year mission. What Logan found was a woman still spry enough for a rough-housing session with orphaned baby chimps and still capable of bringing tears to a reporter's eye, as you'll see in this video. in this week's "Correspondent Candid," Lara Logan tells Overtime editor Ann Silvio about her four days with Goodall, why you should never try to hold a baby chimp while shooting a "stand-up," and who Jane Goodall's first love was.


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